Inquiry into: climate change affecting our local environment with bad weather
What is up with drought and Indonesia?
What would happen if climate change is affecting our world with many different ways? It's just like a big boss who asks his little minions to rule the world for him. But in this case climate change is the big boss and it's little minions, well actually big minions are the bad weather all arund us. And they are trying to destroy our world!
This is now the drought minions that are ordered to attack Indonesia by climate change becuase of us were talking about here. Climate change might create the shortage on food suplies in Indonesia. Scientists say that this might cause a major drought to Indonesia if we don't decrease green house gas emmisions.
Forest fires and Indonesia don't get along, not at all.
Indonesia might get forest fire fire because of delaying the attack of the monsoon. Monsoon is a heavy rain which can last for several months which have climatic affects towards the world. If nobody acts quick for the green house gasses, there will be even more forest fires in the world.
The heavy smoke from the forest fire might lead to air pollution which will go up to the Earth's atmosphere creating damages to the ozone layer. This will cause the sun's ultra vioet rays to beam down to Earth hotter than usual.
-Butler, Rhett A. (2007), Climate change may decimate Indonesia's food supplies, worsen fires
accessed on 5/5/07
-Google Image, Drought
Dorling Kindersly, (2004), E. Encyclopedia Science, London
accessed on 5/5/07
Guardian Unlimited, (2006), Landslide hit Java cause by flood
accessed on 5/05/07
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